Coaching & Support For Radical Mothers

The labor of motherhood can feel heavy.

From dishes and laundry, homework and after school activities, managing a household and juggling a career—your life is an endless to-do list. Mom guilt, stress, anxiety, worry, and self doubt take up all of your mental energy. You’re trying to be the perfect mother, avoid the mistakes your parents made, be fully present for your child, and take care of everyone and everything. You look at other moms, comparing yourself, and feel like you are failing. You try living up to the expectations that your partner, family, or society has of you, but it seems impossible. You’re trying to do it all. And you’re exhausted. You find yourself wondering….

How do I find balance?

How do I know if I’m doing enough?

How do I stop being so worried, stressed, and anxious?

Is it okay for me to ask my partner, family, or friends for help?

Why does taking care of myself make me feel so selfish and guilty?

How do I keep from losing my own hobbies, goals, dreams, and identity?

How can I make mistakes in my parenting and still feel like I’m a good mom?

“Those of us who nurture the lives of children who are not supposed to exist, who are not supposed to grow up, are revolutionary in their very beings.”—Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Revolutionary Mothering

What if you could parent with peace, joy, and ease?

Moms get the message that we are supposed to be perpetually exhausted, absolutely perfect, and totally self-sacrificing—and we aren’t supposed to complain about it or ask for help. It’s time to disrupt that false, outdated narrative and embrace radical mothering that allows space for rest, support, and care. Whether you’re an expecting or new mom, sending your kids off to college, or raising teens, this offering can help you:

Overcome burnout, guilt, perfectionism, overwhelm, and self-doubt.

Let go of harmful beliefs and unrealistic expectations from family, culture, and society about your role as a mother, partner, and woman.

Develop coping tools for managing stress and create realistic, sustainable self-care practices that work with your busy life.

Increase your sense of self-trust and confidence in your parenting.

Build your support system and learn how to equitably share labor with your partner/family/community.

Identify where generational trauma might show up in your parenting and develop a decolonized parenting approach to raise free children.

Explore navigating mom/work/dating/life balance as a single parent.

Reclaim your identity outside of motherhood by reconnecting with rest, pleasure, joy, and play.

And explore all things mama and milf (mother I’d like to free).


“Sessions with Briana feel like a conversation with your best friend. I've been able to be my authentic self with her and she has truly provided me with a safe space to speak freely and be myself. Some sessions have been more difficult than others, but there's always a moment that Briana and I share a laugh and I always feel so much lighter after my sessions with her. Briana has been a blessing to my life in so many ways!"

— Rasheda

"I wanted to do some things differently and be really intentional about my parenting. I was struggling to find my own voice and trust what I was doing was right. Working with Briana, I was able to set boundaries with my family and feel more confident in the way I am choosing to raise my kids, be okay with asking for help and accepting it, and not feel guilty or ashamed as a single mom for doing things that bring me joy."

— Ashley

"Oftentimes, when you have conversations with family or friends you can leave feeling judged, belittled, or like you're doing something wrong in life. But Briana makes you feel seen, validated, and understood. I enjoy each session because she shows up authentically and encourages you to do the same, so it doesn’t feel unnatural or too “business-like” which makes you feel more comfortable opening up and sharing.”

— Destiny

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