Therapy & Coaching for Revolutionary Women

You want to believe you are enough. 

But that can feel heavy when family, culture, and society tells you otherwise. 

You want to speak up, but that can feel so hard...

When you're told to be quiet, not take up too much space, or that your voice doesn't matter or won't be heard, and you start to play small, shape shift, silence, and suppress yourself. 

You want to trust yourself, but that can feel so scary...

When you are told you're too sensitive, impulsive, emotional, or angry, and you begin to dismiss your feelings, people please, settle for less, and get trapped in situations that sabotage your joy.

You want to show up authentically, but that can feel wrong...

When you are taught to be ashamed of your race, culture, gender, sexuality, or identity, fall into self-rejection, and deny who you are to keep the people around you from feeling uncomfortable.

You want to love (or at least accept) your body, but that can feel uncomfortable...

When you have been taught your body is something to fix, change, or hide, and you're left to navigate anti-fatness, diet culture, racism, and harmful societal beauty standards. 

You want to feel confident in your career or school, but that can feel challenging...

When you have to fight for a seat at any table, battle impostor syndrome and self-doubt, and work twice as hard to prove yourself while dealing with every microaggression in every messy workplace and classroom.

You want to develop a sense of community, but that can feel completely out of reach...

When you feel awkward, different, outcast, or like a misfit in your family, with your friends, or in your life, and you struggle to show up as yourself fully and know where you belong.

“Liberation is about reclaiming the freedom to live life on your own terms and use your body as a vehicle for your pleasure and exploration of the world”. —Dalia Kinsey, Decolonizing Wellness

You deserve to be free.

You are ready to break out of the shackles that keep you feeling limited and stuck, let go of the beliefs that make you feel unworthy and undeserving, stop shrinking yourself and quit playing small. Whether you want to explore identity and belonging, gender and sexuality, race and culture or self-esteem, this offering can help you:

Overcome self-doubt, perfectionism, self-abandonment, low self-esteem, self-sacrifice, gender and race-related stress (aka impostor syndrome), and burnout.

Unlearn harmful messages, limiting beliefs, and unrealistic expectations rooted in colonialism, societal beauty standards, patriarchy, and oppression.

Develop liberatory self-care practices to connect with and nourish yourself and learn how to embrace rest, pleasure, joy, creativity and play.

Make peace with your body, release guilt and shame, and develop a relationship with yourself based on love, acceptance, and compassion.

Learn how to identify and express boundaries, balance your needs with your partner/friends/family, and build reciprocal relationships.

Develop liberatory self-care practices (not the gross capitalist/consumerist kind) and reconnect with rest, pleasure, joy, creativity and play.  

Reconnect with your mind, body, spirit, and intuition, overcome self-doubt and increase your sense of self-trust.

If you are ready to break free, I would be honored to journey with you. Bring your tea, literally and figuratively. No shape shifting, accommodating, or masking necessary.


“Sessions with Briana feel like a conversation with your best friend. I've been able to be my authentic self with her and she has truly provided me with a safe space to speak freely and be myself. Some sessions have been more difficult than others, but there's always a moment that Briana and I share a laugh and I always feel so much lighter after my sessions with her. Briana has been a blessing to my life in so many ways!"

— Rasheda

"Incredibly intuitive, even in a virtual session, Briana can pick up on how I'm feeling in my body or spirit and bring it forward for me to notice and explore. She is able to name the things that I've been experiencing but haven't been able to find the words for, and that is so validating and healing. She just sees you and she gets it. That makes it such a safe, nurturing place to do this work of unlearning and challenging what we've been taught as women."

— Nicole

“Briana truly sees you. Sessions with her feel like talking to an expert, a family member, and a best friend, all in one. She has a way of uncovering what you're struggling with, even if you're having a hard time expressing it. She listens deeply so she can help you identify the things you've been hiding from yourself or taught to deny and suppress, she holds you accountable with love, and she cheers you on and validates you so you're at your best!”

— Crystal

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