For Therapists, Healers & Care Workers

You’re off the clock, but your mind isn’t.

You check your emails in the evening, worry about clients, and feel guilty for taking care of yourself when so many people in the world are suffering. You came into this work to help people, but you have become disillusioned and discouraged. You are frustrated with the harmful policies, inhumane politics, and toxic workplaces. You might be experiencing microaggressions, being overlooked for promotions, feeling unheard or excluded in your role, always expected to carry the emotional labor of the work. You are questioning the systems and institutions you work within that seem to reinforce or remain silent about the very social problems you are trying to disrupt and dismantle. As the world feels heavier, you find yourself asking:

How can I make a difference without completely burning out?

How do I cope with the grief, rage, helplessness, fear, crisis and trauma of these times?

How do I keep going on as people are isolated, silenced, imprisoned, murdered, and disappeared?

How do I work within these systems of violence, racism, capitalism and rugged individualism without perpetuating those problems?

How do I unlearn, protest, divest, decolonize, deal with my own shit and find time for self-care (whatever the hell that means)?

These oppressive systems will collapse, but you don’t have to fall with them.

In this work, we know we are susceptible to burnout, vicarious trauma, and compassion fatigue. We find ourselves in unsafe hostile work environments, witnessing harmful practices, facing unrealistic expectations and misaligned values. These challenges are even more difficult to navigate when we share marginalized and oppressed identities with clients. This offering is designed to support the unique needs and experiences of mental health care workers, educators, medical health and alternative wellness providers, and all other helping and healing professionals. Together, we will:

Restore: Learn tools to prevent or recover from burnout, compassion fatigue, identity loss, role strain, impostor syndrome, and vicarious trauma.

Sustainability: Explore what self-care means for you, plan for longevity, and develop strategies for embracing rest, creativity, joy, play, and community.

Role: Develop your professional identity and values; navigate changing or exiting your current role, expanding your skills, or career pivoting.

Self-compassion: Overcome toxic guilt, shame, despair, over-responsibility and self-sacrifice in your role; establish or review boundaries and life/work balance.

Community: Learn how to avoid individualism and isolation, balance your work with your partner/children/relationships, and build your support system.

Honest inventory: Critique, unlearn, and divest from harmful capitalistic and colonial practices and programming that may show up in your work.

Ignite: Reconnect with your “why”, increase your sense of self-trust, regain confidence in your skills, and find meaning in your work again.


“After years of protesting, community organizing and advocacy work, I started feeling cynical, burned out, and disillusioned. I was struggling to feel seen and heard in the movements, especially as a queer black woman. Working with Briana helped me shift lanes within the activism space and lean into my creativity, learn how to take breaks without feeling guilty, build community, find my voice and regain confidence in myself and my work."

— Alecia

“Prior to working with Briana, I felt frustrated, stuck, disregarded, and like I was struggling to accept some deep wounds and hard truths. Now that I've been working with the intuitive genius that she is (because she truly is!), I'm on a path where I feel whole, grounded, capable, and empowered. This has been such a time of growth and excitement for me, and I credit Briana with helping me get here."

— Emily

“When I came to Briana, I was completely exhausted, hopeless, and experiencing burnout in my job. Briana helped me make significant changes in my life, leaving a job that didn’t align with my values and ideas, untangling beliefs around money, time, and productivity that were keeping me stuck and having the courage to a start new job doing work that was meaningful to me. Working with Briana was so inspiring and truly life changing."

— Danielle

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“We tend to the buried parts of human suffering, society, and global consciousness…we witness and metabolize the pain in society, the shadow parts of the collective.”—Jennifer Mullan, Decolonizing Therapy